Category: Restaurants

  • LUCIA Bar

    LUCIA Bar

    /ˈmaɪ.dʒə/ HOME ACADEMY SERVICES PROJECTS CAREERS BLOG TRANG CHỦ DỊCH VỤ DỰ ÁN SỰ NGHIỆP NHẬT KÝ EN VI Home Academy About Services Projects Courses Podcast Blogs Careers Contact Trang chủ Academy Giới thiệu Dịch vụ Dự án Khóa học Podcast Nhật ký Sự nghiệp Liên hệ PHU QUOC, VIET NAM LUCIA BAR Challenge Lucia…

  • On Thai – Thai Restaurant

    On Thai – Thai Restaurant

    Successfully launched a brand new Thai restaurant in the centre of Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai, Viet Nam.

  • Nóc Rooftop

    Nóc Rooftop

    Nóc Rooftop, famed for its plane-spotting view and cool ambiance, tucked in the city, offers an open wooden space amidst lush greenery, becoming a mesmerizing sunset haven.